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Ovarian Reserve Testing

Ovarian reserve is the female fertility potential. Usually, this naturally decreases with age, but sometimes it can decrease faster or slower than expected.  Ovarian reserve is also extremely helpful in fertility treatment planning as it can indicate what the response will be to the stimulation of the ovaries and the potential for success.

Who Is Ovarian Reserve Testing Suitable For?

  • Women of Advanced Reproductive Age: As women age, their ovarian reserve typically decreases. Ovarian reserve testing is highly recommended for women over 35 who wish to conceive now or in the future.
  • Those with Known Fertility Issues: Women diagnosed with or suspected of having fertility-related conditions can greatly benefit from these tests to pinpoint underlying issues.
  • Family Planning: Ovarian reserve testing is also suitable for younger women who wish to understand their fertility timeline better.
  • Treatment Planning: Women undergoing fertility treatments like IVF may need ovarian reserve testing to optimise treatment protocols.

How Do You Test Ovarian Reserve?

Ovarian reserve testing relates to the tests undertaken to understand a woman’s ovarian reserve.  In particular, there are two key tests when undertaking ovarian reserve testing; antral follicle count and AMH blood tests.  Together these two tests provide an accurate assessment of the female reproductive potential.

Antral Follicle Count

The antral follicle count is the number of antral follicles that are present in the ovary and have the potential to grow and become competent follicles (antral follicles are small follicles (2-9 mm)  that we can see, measure and count. These can, with reasonable accuracy, be counted through vaginal ultrasound examination.

The sum of the antral follicles in the ovaries can indicate what the fertility potential is of the woman and importantly what the response will be to treatment involving stimulation of the ovaries, particularly for in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).  Therefore, this is an important test in planning fertility treatments and understanding the success potential, for example:

  • An antral follicle count of less than five usually indicates a low ovarian reserve, resulting in the need for relatively high doses of medication in order to produce a reasonable number of eggs for IVF.
  • An antral follicle count of greater than 15, seen in such conditions as polycystic ovary syndrome, indicates a very good chance of harvesting a good number of eggs. This usually demands only a moderate dose of stimulating medication.
  • Antral follicles may vary in women with lower egg count from cycle to cycle

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Blood Test

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced by the ovarian follicles, therefore levels of AMH often relate to the number of antral follicles in the ovary. But, AMH levels in isolation depict the remaining lifespan of the ovaries,. The level of AMH in the blood can thus indicate how many egg-containing follicles are available in the ovaries with the potential to ovulate. In other words, the AMH level can tell us the size of the ‘ovarian reserve’.

AMH declines naturally with age and high levels can suggest polycystic ovaries, which is important when considering fertility treatments such as IVF.

What To Expect In Your Ovarian Reserve Testing Package

Fertility Plus offers a complete package for ovarian reserve testing (initial egg count package) either to determine your fertility potential and how much time there is left or to help with fertility treatment planning.

  • Up to 45 minute consultation with consultant fertility specialist
  • AMH blood test
  • An ultrasound scan to assess the follicles in your ovaries
  • Results review with consultant fertility specialist.

Book Your Ovarian Reserve Test Today

Understanding your fertility is a significant step towards planning your future, whether it’s starting a family now or in the years to come. Our comprehensive ovarian reserve testing provides personalised insights into your reproductive potential, allowing you to make informed decisions.

How Much Will It Cost?

Prices for fertility assessments start at £300. Please visit our pricing page or contact us for more information on fees.

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