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What is AMH?

Mr Amit Shah ,Mr Anil Gudi and Prof Roy homburg

AMH is anti-Mullerian hormone. It was first discovered and named as the hormone produced by the testicles of the male foetus in the uterus to ensure that none of the female reproductive tract would develop in the male baby. Lately it was discovered that AMH is also produced in the ovaries of the female after birth, levels in the blood peaking at age 25 years followed by a steady decline from there on.

AMH is produced by small follicles that contain eggs, the more small follicles, the greater the amount of AMH that is produced. This is why the level of AMH in the circulation reflects the number of potentially fertilisable eggs and why it is used today as a measure of ovarian reserve.

As female age increases, the amount of AMH produced decreases, reflecting the decrease in the number of small follicles and potentially fertilisable eggs available. AMH accurately shows how the ovaries will respond to stimulation which may be needed during various treatments for infertility and is used as a guide to the starting dose of the medication that is required for optimal results. It is also used as a rough guide for the chances of pregnancy, in conjunction with the age of the female partner, and has proved useful for the counselling of patients.

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