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Diet and Fertility

Can high protein and low carbohydrate diet improve fertility treatment.

One of the most controversial subjects of fertility treatments is the impact of diet and its alterations which aid in improving natural and assisted conception fertility.
There is a general belief that a healthy all round diet over a reasonable period of time leading to overall good health improves fertility. During fertility treatments and IVF treatments there have been multiple opinions about changes to diet. In a study done by Jeffrey Russell from the Delaware Institute of Reproductive Medicine, who studied over 120 women undergoing IVF, found that those who increased their protein intake relative to carbohydrate intake were more likely to get pregnant. They found that women who took at least 25% of their calories from protein improved their chances of falling pregnant. On the other hand, they also noticed that women who ate a large number of carbohydrates may lower their chances of falling pregnant.
What this study does, though small, does indicate that diet does form an important portion in fertility.
Based on the evidence that couples that go on a very high protein diet may improve their chances of falling pregnant. One of the most important things that we would suggest is that is important to pay attention to what you eat during treatment. The reason this study needs to be taken with caution is this is based on data collected from the USA where women tend to have a higher BMI (body mass index) than women in Europe and had a diet which has increased carbohydrates intake compared to those in Europe.

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